360 partners with CAPL for their Mineral Engagement Speaker Series

Recently, 360 was invited to partner with the CAPL and present as part of their Mineral Engagement Speaker Series. The goal of the session was to share ideas, issues and experiences to assist mineral landmen in their continually evolving role.

360’s presentation was a liability-centric discussion with key focus on ARO metrics in deal valuations. The 30-minute presentation and discussion introduced several metrics to benchmark liabilities when reviewing acquisition targets.  We also touched on some regulatory updates including increased focus on active/inactive ratios from the AER and the aim was to educate on the changing nature of liability and how it impacts A&D/M&A.

One of the main topics which emerged in the discussion was the future of the AER, the changes coming to the liability framework and how that might impact M&A activity.

All in all, a well attended and engaging event which 360 was proud to be involved in.  Thank you to CAPL for the opportunity and to all attendees from across the Landman community.

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